Thursday, August 6, 2009

Eating too much and still staying healthy

Punching out Padma Lakshmi - would you really do that ?

If you don't watch Top Chef none of this is going to make any sense but the New York Times had an excellent article about how to stay healthy even if your job involves eating - even if it involves a lot of, lot of eating.

Top Chef is in the genre of reality show. This
links explains.

In the article Padma reveals that she puts on maybe 15 pounds during the filming of the series but after filming ends she stays away from red meat, chesse and alcohol until her weight is back where it should be. See the results in her nude photo shoot for Allure Magazine.

Only click her if you want to see Padma naked.

By the way, Tom Colicchio is an equally important component of Top Chef and he has an outpost of his restaurant chain Craft here in Atlanta ( Buckhead to be exact - near Lennox on Peachtree St.). I've eaten there and can recommend it.

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