Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Do not get old - if you want to be vaccinated against H1N1 Swine Flu

This afternoon (29th July 2009) the CDC recommendations for inoculation protection against Swine Flu (H1N1) be as follows:
  1. Pregnant Women (that seem right)
  2. People caring for or live with children too young to be vaccinated (babies less than 6 months)
  3. Health care and emergency personnel
  4. Children and young adults
  5. Adults up to 64 years old
And then ?

If there is any vaccine left over (not very likely) - seniors.

US advisers say pregnant women first for H1N1 jab

Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:50pm EDT
ATLANTA (Reuters) - Expert U.S. advisers accepted recommendations on Wednesday to put pregnant women at the front of the line for vaccines against the new H1N1 pandemic influenza virus, with relatives and caregivers for infants second.

The Advisory Panel on Immunization Practices nearly unanimously accepted advice from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to first protect pregnant women, infants and healthcare workers against the virus.

Healthcare workers and children at risk of serious complications should follow -- and then healthy young adults aged 19 to 24, the panel said.

Members of the panel said young adults should be a priority because they are more likely to become infected, and because they may spread the virus through society.

(Reporting by Maggie Fox, editing by Gerald E. McCormick)

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