I'm still thinking about Acid Reflux (also called GERD) and what to do.
However another even further out solution has come into view - what about a surgical solution ?
There is a pretty intensive surgical procedure known as Nissen Fundoplication. Nissen was a Swiss surgeon who came up with this particular solution for Acid Reflux in the 1950's. Once you read about it, you'll probably be like me and not be all that keen. It is radical surgery but on the other hand it's usually a success but with some nasty side-affects if anything goes wrong. Most doctors treat the Nissen Fundoplication as a last resort for acid reflux.

However another surgical solution has appeared on the horizon - the LINX Reflux Management System. The idea is to slide a magnetic band to the bottom of the esophagus and to surround the place where the esophagus enters the stomach i.e. exactly outside the lower esophageal sphincter.
Why risk surgery when a medication like omeprazole will keep the symptoms suppressed and prevent further damage to the esophagus ? To keep acid reflux suppressed and all the potential pain and damage that entails means taking medication life time. This is the take on the options by Torax - the inventors of LINX. Play the small video on the page to see how the solution works.

Taking Omeprazole (or any of the other Proton Pump Inhibitors) for years on end has the chance of creating osteoporosis which can lead to broken bones (hips and the like) and painful back issues. So avoiding decades of taking these medications has many attractions.
This approach might have a chance but I'll give the Alternative Medication a chance first.
Labels: Acid reflux; GERD; nissen fundoplication; magnetic solution; linx; torax;
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