Regular drinking: good idea or bad idea ?

Scientific American summarized it "Three decades of research shows that drinking small to moderate amounts of alcohol has cardiovascular benefits. A thorny issue for physicians is whether to recommend drinking to some patients."
The New York Times Roni Rabin had a really good article putting the other side of the argument:
- Alcohol is addictive and if you are prone to addiction that alcohol is highly dangerous
- Alcohol might not be processed at all well by your body
- The studies might be biased in favor of alcohol because of confounding factors
- Researchers might be biased in favor of alcohol because the source of their research funding.

The summary paper " The Harms and Benefits of Moderate Drinking" has some blockbuster quotes (in large and unmissable type):
- New research has clearly indicated that the frequency of drinking is as important as, or even more important than, the amount of alcohol consumed.
- It is important that the effects of alcohol consumption, moderate or otherwise, not be viewed in isolation, but as part of broader social, cultural, and lifestyle issues. There are differences among drinkers and the range of outcomes they are likely to experience.
There is evidence that moderate alcohol consumption may modify the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Meta-analytic reviews of the data have shown a U-shaped relationship between moderate drinking and the risk for type 2 diabetes for both men and women.
- There is a need for greater attention to the positive aspects of alcohol consumption, which are closely related to its psychosocial effects. Current research is largely devoted to assessments of harms, often neglecting the benefits, despite the fact that the vast majority of those who drink do so moderately.
- Communication between patients and their health-care providers is an important mechanism by which individual behaviors and perceptions about health may be changed. Provided with the proper tools, physicians and other practitioners can tailor their messages, depending on the patient’s age, sex, past alcohol use experience, cardiovascular risk, and other factors.

Any classical medical double blind trial on alcohol is going to difficult, dangerous and probably unethical. How could you give someone 60 grams of alcohol and expect them not to notice - let alone drive home afterwards. However it is time for someone to find a way forward because at the moment alcohol in moderation seems to have many benefits (and of course like all medication some undesirable side-affects).

Alcohol has 7 calories for every gram. So if you take 12 grams as a "drink" then you have at least 84 calories in there (more if it's mixed with something sweet). Five drinks a day is 420 calories. So you are probably going to have to forgo dinner unless you exercise hard every day. Jogging a mile burns about 110 calories. So 4 miles of easy jogging burns off 440 calories - so you are back in balance - easy.
Labels: ;alcohol; alcohol good; alcohol bad; healthy drinking;calories in alcohol; jogging'
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