Two news items this week to make me smile.
The first is research results showing that drinkers live longer - amazing but true.
Age and Aging: "Both men and women who drank alcohol had decreased mortality compared with nondrinkers. Those who drank 2 or more drinks per day had a 15-19% reduced risk of death. The reduced risk was not limited to one type of alcohol. Stable drinkers (those who reported drinking both at baseline and follow-up) had a significantly reduced risk of death compared with stable nondrinkers. Those who started drinking at follow-up also had a significantly lower risk. Those who quit drinking were at increased risk of death, which was significant in women."
The remark within the above quote, that women who gave up drinking had significant increased risk of death, is a strong message. We await publication of the full report with impatience.
The second item is in the June 2009 issue of Tufts Health and Nutrition Letter which arrived today and what is the front page story but "Moderate drinking linked to better bone density." Women who have 2 or more drinks a day had 5% to 8.3% better hip and spine bone mineral density i.e. stronger bones. For men the improvement in bone density was 2.4% to 4.5%. The researchers go on to say that alcohol is a strange topic because it helps prevent heart disease but increases the risks for breast cancer. Nonetheless, the positive affect of alcohol on bone density is larger than that for any other nutrient - including calcium. Amazing.
Some balance is needed. Too much alcohol - bad. You only get the good effect from beer and wine - not from spirits.
Of course you need to be sensible. Watch this video:
Labels: alcohol; aging; better bone density; beer drinking; health;
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