Exercise does make a difference - even later inlife
Exercise makes a difference to health - more is better - less is worse - but it takes time to have an impact. We've all known this but at last a 35 year long (and still going strong) study from Uppsala, Sweden has proved it - finally.
- the active live longer and better than the inactive (no great surprise here but the Swedes quantify the extent)
- changes in exercise level ( up and down) take 5 to 10 years to show up in health and mortality. It's no surprise to learn that these things take effect slowly but this research shows pinpoints it to the range 5 to 10 years.
- if you've been inactive all your life and then start to exercise seriously then within 10 years (maybe even after 5 years) your health and mortality is as good as those who have been active all their life. Sad news for the always active but great news for those who's work has stopped them looking after their health and wellness.
- in the other direction, if you have been active but then join the couch potatoes, your health and mortality sinks after maybe 5 years (and at most 10 years) your risk is the same as those who have always laid back and taken life easy.
Labels: exercise and health; senior health; brain health;aerobic exercise;
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