Monday, June 29, 2009

Too Many Doctors: what about gastrex and betafood

I like my doctors. There are only two - the Primary Care Practitioner or GP [General Practitioner] as the British call them and the Gastroenterologist. Some people have many more than two doctors and I feel sorry for anyone in that situation.

You'd think that the two doctors they'd communicate and work together ? Not a bit of it !

When the gastroenterologist prescribed Omeprazole, at no time did he try to deal with any threat of osteoporosis. He could have told me to get my calcium and vitamin D intake up high but he did not. After I was diagnosed with osteoporosis my GP said to talk to the gastroenterologist to find out if the omeprazole prescription needed changing. No suggestion about calcium, vitamin D or anything else.

Of course I did wonder why the GP didn't discuss directly with the gastro but apparently they don't like to do that !

I tried an experiment while on vacation. I stopped taking omeprazole for 18 days just to find out what the result would be. The answer is that food started to catch in my throat again. So I need to keep on with omeprazole. The theory when I started on the medication that by stopping the acid reflux my esophagus would heal. The experiment showed that had not happened and possibly will never happen.

So what to do ?

The next step might be the craziest yet - I'm trying an alternative nutritionist.

So now, as well as the prescriptions from the main-stream doctors, I'm taking the prescription from alternative medicine : Gastrex; Betafood; Spanish Black Radish. None of these has any clear action. You can search the web until Google runs dry and still not know if a supplement has any particular action.

So I'm hoping that you do not have to believe in these supplements that alternative medicine prescribes.



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