Friday, July 31, 2009

Stop Worrying about Swine Flu and take Vitamin D ?

Yesterday I had a small worry that vacination supplies for H1N1 Swine flu would fall short come the Autumn. Particularly if Seniors have to be left out of a vacination program becomes there just is not enough of the vaccine to go around.

So what to do ?

Maybe I had the right idea back in May this year - get your Vitamin D levels high enough and the threat of all flu's goe away (or at the very least, lessens significantly).

The idea comes from this pretty substantial paper
"On the Epidemiology of Influenza" - serious stuff.

For me the key chart is this one showing numbers of people having the flu charted against their Vitamin D intake. The research ran over 3 years and involved women who the first year took no supplemental Vitamin D, then in the next year took 800IUs per day of Vitamin D then in the third year took 2000 IUs a day of Vitamin D.

By moving up to 800 IUs a day of Vitamin D the incidence of flu reduced considerably and then by moving to an even higher dose of Vitamin D (2000 IUs), flu almost completely disappeared.

So there you have a strategy for flu season even if getting vacinated is impossible. It's also the way to go if you have any residual doubts about innoculations.

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