Stop Worrying about Swine Flu and take Vitamin D ?

So what to do ?

The idea comes from this pretty substantial paper "On the Epidemiology of Influenza" - serious stuff.
For me the key chart is this one showing numbers of people having the flu charted against their Vitamin D intake. The research ran over 3 years and involved women who the first year took no supplemental Vitamin D, then in the next year took 800IUs per day of Vitamin D then in the third year took 2000 IUs a day of Vitamin D.
By moving up to 800 IUs a day of Vitamin D the incidence of flu reduced considerably and then by moving to an even higher dose of Vitamin D (2000 IUs), flu almost completely disappeared.
So there you have a strategy for flu season even if getting vacinated is impossible. It's also the way to go if you have any residual doubts about innoculations.
Labels: h1N1 flu, swine flu; vitamin D, Vit D
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