Thursday, August 14, 2008

Eye Sight - Glaucoma, Cataracts - should I worry ?

Nutrition, Exercise, health - Worry Thursday

Early one morning about 2 weeks ago, it was about 5.30am so I feel entitled to refer to it as early, I was running with a client and we passed a placard stuck in the ground urging one to vote for somebody for Sheriff. As we came up to it I diverted across the road to read the sign because I was having trouble reading it from across the road. It was still pre-dawn and I didn't think getting closer to read it was in any way strange. However my client, a medical doctor, commented that he could read it easily and that I should get my eyes checked because I might have a correctable eye condition such as glaucoma.

In his view there are many failings which people put down to old age and then put up with them when in fact the condition might well be easily correctable.

unds like sensible advice and a lot better than just worrying and not doing anything !

So I've had my eyes tested and no sign of glaucoma. One less thing to worry about.

During the eye examination the eye doctor commented that there was no sign of cataracts in either eye. Now this made me consider because I'd not thought about cataracts and not thought them a potential issue. After putting this thought to her she responded that "at my age" I really should expect to see early signs of cataracts but in my case - not even early signs.

I have updated reading glasses for low light situations and for the first time glasses to wear when driving at night with non-reflective coatings. Because I start most days (Monday to Friday) driving to the home of one client or another and always in the dark (Summer and Winter), driving glasses for the first time make sense.



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