Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Balance - essential part of Fitness Workout

Wednesday Workout - Balance Training

Just about all my over 40 clients agree that improving their balance is an important part of fitness.

It's not just about increasing leg strength - even though leg strength is important. The brain and central nervous system are all vital to good balance. So you have to practice.

Smile at this picture.

This is me balancing on a foam roller.

Try it !

It's a hard foam, about 8 inches diameter and tricky to balance on. It moves back and fore under the feet. That is the idea - you have to keep adjusting to the movement in the roller. My clients' find it easier to do with bare feet. You can do it with shoes on but shoes don't wrap around the roller the way bare feet do.

Now for the next balance exercise.

This one uses a half-round foam roller i.e. it has a curved side and a flat side. Stand with one foot on the flat side and feel the foam roller wobble under-neath your foot.

Then try the other leg.

I have lots of balance exercises for use with clients but these two are to start you trying to add balance to your workouts.

I bought my foam rollers from Power Systems but they are available from many suppliers. My full round one has a hard plastic core to keep it's shape and a washable cover to help keep it clean.

The half-round is just naked !

Yes, these are the same foam rollers used for myofascial release.
More about my use of myofascial release another day.



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