Sunday, June 15, 2008

Men's Health Week

Today, Father's Day, is the last day of Men's Health Week.

Click the image to the left to download 75 pages of seriously meant information for men to improve their length of life and their enjoyment of life.

If you are a women is there any reason to also look at this ?

Consider this:

"More than one-half the elderly widows now living in poverty were not poor before the death of their husband."

Quote from - Meeting the Needs of Older Women: A diverse and growing population, The Many Faces of Aging, U.S. Administration on Aging.

The least you need to know.

How often to check your body parts (first page for women, second page for men).

In the top 10 causes of death, men die faster than women - often much faster (look at %'s)

1. Heart disease (78% higher)
2. Cancer (34% higher)
3. Injuries (150% higher)
4. Stroke (12% higher)
5. COPD (43% higher)
6. Diabetes (23% higher)
7. Pneumonia/flu (48% higher)
8. HIV infection (318% higher)
9. Suicide (205% higher)
10. Homicide (253% higher)



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