Sunday, June 1, 2008

Is Metabolic Syndrome something worth worrying about ?

Metabolic Syndrome has been referred to as Time Bomb by the Metabolic Syndrome Institute.

If you are unlucky with your genes (and probably at least half of us are), get too little exercise and eat just a little bit too much for too many years then the Metabolic Syndrome is going to come calling.

Obesity plus Insulin Resistance create the perfect storm in that they lead to Metabolic Syndrome. Then down the road come Diabetes or Heart Problems - possibly and quite likely - both.

This set of charts (originally PowerPoint but converted for viewing in your browser) is distilled (down to 14 charts) from the Metabolic Syndrome Institute 's vast chart packs on the subject. Each chart has a small 'next' button in the bottom right corner.

Now would be a good time to get out the results from an annual health check and see how you compare to this diagnosis for Metabolic Syndrome.

Of course the waist size definition for Metabolic Syndrome changes depending upon which part of the world you (or your family) originated from.

You might as well check the whole family for potential Metabolic Syndrome.

The definition of Metabolic Syndrome is complicated but waist size is one key measurement. This video very carefully defines how to measure waist size. Admittedly it's somewhat boring but nevertheless well meant.

I blog'd a couple of days ago about what you might do about any threat from Metabolic Syndrome.



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