Saturday, April 26, 2008

Knee - lubrication TWO

Gareth Phillips knees with band aids (plasters) over each injection.

Lubrication TWO happened Friday April 25. [Read about Lubrication ONE].

It didn't really hurt. After the first lubrication the knees felt good for several days and then on Thursday I started to limp. The promise is that this second lubrication will be better. I'm hoping.

The doctor (works for the surgical group Resurgens) .

I asked if lubrication worked for other joints and the answer was that technically yes but getting an insurance company to pay was difficult. The FDA has approved lubrication only for knees, so using lubrication for any other joint would be an "off label" application. Hence payment problems. He said that the treatment worked fine for ankles and knees. Hips were OK but very limited experience with lubricating hips.

Look at this MRI of a knee.
My MRI's and X-rays are just too dark to scan and upload.

Cartilage shows up as white on X-rays and bone as black. However bone with no protective cartilage, as behind my knee cap, is gray indicating a high water content. Bone with a high water content is soft i.e. the body is finding a way to compensate for no cartilage by creating a substitute of softer bone.

If you want to start understanding any knee problems you might have - start here with Knee Guru.



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