Saturday, August 9, 2008

Saturday - Education Day

Monday through Friday by 6.30am I've been up for more than an hour and worked out with at least one client. Saturday's are different, much slower paced.

This Saturday the alarm squawked unpleasantly at 6.30am. It was time to breakfast (old fashioned oatmeal - what is called porridge by the British).

Then it was time to drive off to the Power Systems day of education on all things fitness.

The day started with Dr Len Kravitz talking about the latest research on exercise physiology. I love this stuff even though it makes me feel a nerd to admit it. Of course Len has a web-site and it's stuffed full of papers on exercise and fitness. Also no surprise Len has a book out that he's pushing. I'll probably buy it very soon.

Then it was time for diminutive Shannon Fable to bounce on stage and check if everyone could see her. I work on balance with most clients and Shannon definitely added to my stock of knowledge. Shannon has four new DVD's out. Look at her web-site.

The afternoon started with Matt Poe. Matt mainly works with athletes. My clients are not that interested in running 40 yards really fast then spinning around on a silver dollar and coming back just as fast. However there was a lot in his presentation that I can apply. This is a guy you just have to love - enough personality to stop a rodeo. Of course Matt has a web-site.

The first web page shows Matt doing a barbell shoulder press with a 350 pound Burmese Python on the bar. Press the play button to watch. Both Matt and the python seem remarkably good tempered about the whole workout.

The education day finished with Daryl Shute who was great and showed us a bunch of exercises that can be done with very simple equipment.

Amazingly Daryl does not have a web-site !

I would have bought hurdles from Power Systems at the seminar but they sold out before I could get to the sales clerk.

By the time I reached home I was hungry. Of course I'd taken food with me but not enough because I'd expected a sitting down listening day but most of the presenters got the audience out of their seats and trying things out.

Dinner was salmon (about 3 ounces) with peas and mushrooms flavored with flakes of red pepper and a pinch of cumin.



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