Hip Replacement - working out afterwards

FITNESS - Malady Monday
Living and Exercising after Total Hip Replacement
"My hip really hurts some nights, stops me sleeping and it still hurts when I get into the office."
"Sitting for hours at meetings is the worst, my hip hurts like stink for hours afterwards."
Working out with a client like this needs a lot of care. That hip needs specialist medical attention. All I can say is "buyer beware." Hip replacements are not all the same. The hips being implanted are high tech devices and sometimes high tech devices go wrong - maybe even fail altogether. Read this New York Times article.
For what it's worth my thoughts:
- workout as hard as the hip allows before going for the hip replacement because strength and flexibility before will be of great benefit after the procedure.
- during the first few days and weeks after your procedure do these rehab exercises religiously.
- as soon as you can increase the intensity. Vanderbilt has good detailed rehab instructions.
- all of this might still not be enough ! The University of Louisville has been gathering evidence that current rehab strategies are not sufficient for complete recovery.
- Medical researchers in Denmark published their views April 2008 in The Journal of Applied Physiology that resistance training was essential to both build muscle size and muscle strength post-operation.
Labels: hip replacement; strength training; resistance training; rehab; rehabilitation;
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