Olympics - Competing with Cancer

Cancer and Exercise - Malady Monday
The American College of Sports Medicine is running a blog about health and injuries while the Olympics are on.
The piece about Eric Shanteau and his brush with testicular cancer caught the eye - probably because one of my relatives is currently living through chemo treatment to overcome the problem. My nephew has found the chemo really tough and now has pneumonia after the most recent round of chemo.
On Eric's web site there is a link to send him best wishes.
For unknown reasons testicular cancer is an increasing problem. It's doubled in the last 40 years and is now the most common malignancy in white men 20 to 35 years. A deeper analysis of why testicular cancer occurs.

If all of this has made any male nervous then you might find instructions on how to do a self check useful.
Firstly a set of written instructions.
Secondly a video illustrating how to self exam. Don't get too squeamish - the video uses two eggs in a plastic bag to demonstrate - nothing unpleasant !
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