Three-quarters of cancer survivors take vitamin supplements according to a study by Duke University Medical Center, Penn State University and University of Texas (MD Anderson Cancer Center).
However Denise Snyder, one of the authors of the study had multiple comments about uncontrolled downing of nutrition supplements:
- " . . supplementation may result in an imbalance of nutrients that may backfire and put cells at risk of cancer recurrence."
- there is little solid evidence that supplements can prevent cancer from recurring and further that they may pose risks to cancer survivors
- "Fortification has gone nuts. It disregards people's individual requirements, and if supplements are taken alongside fortified foods, there's a risk of overdosing."
- "Survivors hope supplements might strengthen their immune system, and taking them likely gives a sense of control over their cancer. And often people aren't aware that the benefits associated with certain nutrients can only be gained through dietary sources. Vitamins and minerals may be processed differently - possibly more safely - if they're consumed as part of a whole food."
What about taking nutritional supplements while you are still under-going radiation or chemo for cancer ?
According to the Duke Medicine Health News "Drugs and radiation therapy are thought to work, in part, by generating free radicals which kill cancer cells - but antioxidants neutralize free radicals."
A report out in May 27 this year in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute Cancer says "Patients should avoid the routine use of antioxidant supplements during radiation and chemotherapy because the supplements may reduce the anticancer benefits of therapy."
How often does your doctor ask what supplements you are taking?
Do you volunteer this information to every doctor you see?

According to a report in the Journal of Clinical Oncology (Feb. 2008) for about two thirds of patients, their doctors do not know what supplements they are taking.
I know that my wife edits what she tells her 'ordinary' doctor about supplements she takes recommended by her alternative nutritionist and she also does not tell the nutritionist about injections prescribed by the 'ordinary' doctor because the nutritionist is firmly against injections.
I wonder how many of us 'adjust' what we tell doctors if the subject of supplements happens to come up ?
Check on the rules, if any, that nutrition suppliers follow.
Labels: supplements; cancer; cancer survivors; supplements to fight cancer recurrence; supplement safety;
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