Saturday, October 18, 2008
Many Core Workouts have you lying on a mat.
This video is an extract from a client workout.
The objective of this workout: hitting core muscles from all angles but not using crunches and situps. The workout is designed to share the load across the body muscles so that no one muscle group gets burned out.
The "cheat sheet" to go withis video, so that you can jog your memory of what comes next and just flow from one exercise to the next.
Start by getting a bench in position or building a bench with a Reebok step.
1. 2 legs on floor 2 arms in action (for Dumbbell Squat)
2. 1 leg on floor 2 arms for 1 leg (Dumbbell lunge)
3. 1 leg 1 arm for Dumbbell (back row)
4. 1 leg 1 arm for dumbbell (back raise)
5. Lying On back, face up 2 arms for alternating chest press but make sure that shoulder comes off surface every repetition
6.Lying Face Down 1 arm Raising Dumbbell from floor to horizontal
7. Lying Face up 1 arm dumbbell "throws" with back coming off surface every time
8. Lying on side on mat for a Side plank plus the extra stress of a lateral leg raise.
This workout took 30 minutes. The video is 5 minutes out of the 30 minutes.
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