Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Swiss Ball - what can I do with it ?

Many clients have said "I have a Swiss Ball (or an exercise ball)  but I never use because I'm not sure what exactly to do with it. 

This short video ( 5  1/2 minutes) is to let you see and hear what it's like to workout with a Personal Trainer like myself guiding you through a workout using an exercise ball. The video is taken in the fitness studio I often work in with a real client (not a model) and the voices you hear are those of myself giving guidance and the client giving feedback.

I hope this video helps you make good use of your exercise ball.

The sequence of exercises aims to minimize changes in position so that you can flow from one exercise to the next with no waste of time. This also keeps the intesity high.

If you want, you can push very hard  to exaustion on each exercise, or as I'd recommend you stop each exercise with just a little in reserve. Listen to your body, give yourselves between 1/2 minute and a full minute between exercises. This is enough time for most people to keep their heart rate under control.

The internet is full of Swiss Ball exercises. The video from me and my client is different because it works all the core muscles and you can hear the conversation containing exercise guidance and client feedback about doing the exercises.



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