Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cutting Breast Cancer Riskl

OnFitness Magazine remains one of my favorite fitness magazines that arrives as actual paper dropped into the mailbox.

The most recent issue - Sept/Oct 2008 has an intriguing 27 ways to cut breast cancer risk.

My wife went through breast cancer which was picked up by a routine mamogram and she then had a lump ectomy followed by radiation. All good thus far even though she has thought that the subsequent lung issues were related to the radiation treatment.

The piece in OnFitness has no attribution but it largely looks sensible so I've copied their list in its entirety. It is hard core healthy living and is not an easy agenda to follow.

  1. Sleep in total darkness; this means not even a tiny night light

  2. Work a first shift

  3. Sleep between 10pm and 6am and for 7-8 hours

  4. Take a melatonin supplement before bedtime

  5. Fill your car with gas on the way home so that you can immeadiately change your clothes that were exposed to gasoline fumes

  6. Do not store food or beverages in plastic containers; the estrogen-like compounds in the plastic can make their way into foods and liquids

  7. Avoid processed soy products

  8. Avoid wearing tight-fitting bras; do not sleep with a bra on; have some bra-free time every day

  9. Massage breasts a few times a week

  10. Avoid alcohol

  11. Breastfeed

  12. Take the following supplements: turmeric; green tea; vitamin D3; garlic; indole 3 carbinol; sulforaphane

  13. Make the following foods a regular part of your diet: grapes; apples; onions; mushrooms; cruciferous vegetables; carrots; berries; high-fiber foods; raw nuts; flaxseed oil.

  14. Your food pyramid has plant food at the bottom and animal products near the top, below saturated fats, sugars and highly refined foods

  15. Eat organic as much as possible

  16. Drink only purified water

  17. Exercise at least one hour daily

  18. Include plenty of bouts of high intensity in your exercise regime

  19. Reduce body fat

  20. Eat red meat only occaisionally; never eat red meat well done. If you must eat grilled red meat or poultry marinade first

  21. Limit sugar, high fructose corn syrup and white flour

  22. Avoid deli and luncheon meats and anything else that contains sodium nitrite

  23. Avoid artificial sweeteners

  24. Avoid trans fats or hydrogenated vegetable oil

  25. Limit processed foods such as those that come frozen in a box

  26. Spend time in a sauna at least once a week

  27. Don't smoke.



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