Swiss Ball - what can I do with it ?
Labels: exercise ball workouts; swiss ball workouts; core exercises; core conditioning; tight abs; flat abs;
My interest is in health and fitness in large part generated because I'm now in my 60's. After a life time of running there is no cartilage left behind either knee cap. For most of my life I did software development in the telecoms industry (mostly working in London, England). Nowadays I'm a Personal Trainer (qualified ACSM, ACE) working in the north Atlanta area (Johns Creek, Alpharetta, Suwanee, Cumming,GA).
Labels: exercise ball workouts; swiss ball workouts; core exercises; core conditioning; tight abs; flat abs;
Keep the movements slow. You do not want the feet to have so much momentum that you could get carried into the pain zone.
Listen to your body and enjoy.
I think this is the first time I've mentioned stretching in my posts even though stretching is a core part of my exercise philosophy. I use an approach to stretching known as PNF with many of my clients.
Talking about PNF is for another day.The stretches in this video are not PNF.
Labels: Stretch; Lower Back Stretch;
Labels: Low Back Pain; sacroiliac joint;
Labels: 5K race; knee pain; 4 Seasons Hotel; Delta; Rabobank
Labels: male osteoporosis; female athlete triad; denosumab; amgen;
Labels: healthy eating; healthy living; breast cancer; organic;
Labels: time efficient exercise; gym equipment; calf raise machine; whole body workouts
Labels: knee; knee surgery; running;