Prostate Cancer

It's probably my age but at this moment I know three men going through treatment for prostate cancer. One in 6 men get diagnosed with prostate cancer but luckily few actually die of prostate cancer.
Jumping in and getting treated aggressively as soon as prostate cancer is diagnosed seems a bad idea as most prostate cancers develop slowly and the side affects of treatment can be very unpleasant. However waiting too long for treatment can also go badly wrong. Once prostate cancer escapes into the hips - life can be very painful.
Dendreon Corporation just received FDA approval for their prostate cancer drug Provenge. This is a vaccination which helps the body fight the cancer more effectively. Most vaccinations strengthen the immune system prior to an infection but interestingly Provenge is taken after prostate cancer is diagnosed. The procedure is to take a blood sample, extract specific white blood cells and then these blood cells are incubated with a protein found on the surface of prostate tumors. Then the white blood cells are infused back into the patient they came from - usually three infusions each two weeks apart - so the treatment takes about a month.
If I ever leave it late getting prostate cancer treatment then Provenge might just be my get out of jail card.
Two of the men getting prostate cancer treatment have decided upon Proton Beam treatment. There are currently five proton beam facilities in the USA with a sizth underconstruction. The facility in Jacksonville, Florida is convenient for anyone in the Atlanta, Georgia area.
Protons are positively charged hydrogen atoms stripped of an electron and then accelerated to a very, very high speed. Proton beam treatment - click the play arrow on the video to see how it works - seems to have fewer side affects than traditional radiation and chemo treatments. The charges seem to run around $300,000 but if you are over 65 then Medicare will probably pick up most of the costs.
During treatment most men stay active - click the play button on the video - and feeling OK - unlike traditional radiationtherapy.
The third man of the three I know going through prostate treatment opted for radiation therapy - low and high intensity radiation.
Any man getting on in years has to worry about prostate cancer and if I need to urinate too often then the worry stays with me for a while.

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I totally agree with Jake.
AgaeCal is a very good natural osteoporosis treatment.
I also suggest to check out the Save our bones program.
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