Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Mental Decline and Calcium Levels

Calcium levels are important to bone health. We all know that. Osteoporosis and low calcium level are linked (plus of course the need for sufficient Vitamin D - see yesterday's post on Vitamin D). However have you thought about the link between mental acuity and blood calcium levels.

The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society reported last month (November 2007) of this linkage in over 75's. Reuters have a good summary of the research. High levels of calcium can kill nerve and brain cells - hence possibly contribute to mental decline. So where might the high-levels of blood calcium in the elderly come from? The research hypothesis's about cancer, incipient kidney failure or possibly excessive parathyroid activity. I'd kick in one more thought about calcium being released from the skeleton as a result of reduced standing and walking (hence the 'body' signaling lower requirement for bone strength).

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