Fitness Trends from the ACSM worldwide survey
- Fully certified and accredited health/fitness professionals. (previously #3). In Georgia,USA there is draft legislation to license Personal Trainers. If a Personal Trainer is well qualified this is a good thing. However the major gym chains are all against it and probably are able to spend enough on lobbying to stop it becoming law.
- Fighting childhood and adolescent obesity. (previously #1). This slipping down a notch is a surprise as I can see more and more parents sending their children into the gym to workout with Personal Trainers.
- Personal Training (up from #7). In an area like mine, north of Atlanta, most people have long, tough commutes. Working out has to be squeezed into an already punishing schedule. Having a Personal Trainer makes sure that maximum value is obtained from time spent in the gym.
- Strength Training (previously #6). Weight loss or weight control is an issue for many and it is now well established that an integrated program of cardio (aerobic) training plus muscle strength training is the best combination of exercise.
- Core Training (unchanged at #5). Just about everyone wants a flat tummy and nice looking abs. This is not an easy look to get because you have to really work at it. The trick is to work the whole core area because just concentrating on the Rectus Abdominous (the 6 pack ab muscle in the front) does not get results. What you have to do is work the whole core area which includes everything front, back at sides from the hips up to the line across the nipples. To do all of this you need to know a lot of exercises and be able to use them in sequence and combination.
Labels: ACSM, exercise, fitness, fitness trends, health
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