Saturday, November 17, 2007

Vibration Training for Respiratory Muscles

Dr Paul Sumners posts a regular blog about the use of a vibration device to help strengthen the chest muscles. His device is called youbreathe. The device rapidly blocks and unblocks the airways to create a percussion effect which is theorized helps display mucous from the airways into the lungs. The operation of youbreathe is quite different to the operation of another device PowerLung which tries to directly strengthen the chest muscles used in breathing.

The bad news is that as yet it's only available in England. It's priced at about 80 pound (which is just over $160).

Read the blog and look at the website.

Until now there have been several devices to try to strengthen the chest muscles involved with breathing but previously none had been able to prove their worth. This time it could be different and that Paul Sumners has a winner. This device should help anyone with severe lung issues such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD but at the other end of the spectrum might improve the performance of elite athletes.

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