Friday, November 16, 2007

Exercise is Medicine

This is a worthy effort to persuade doctors to discuss exercise with their patients on a frequent basis.

The Exercise is Medicine has the potential to contain a wealth of information. Right now it is good and over time might become excellent. If Exercise is Medicine has a fault, it is that it contains a long list of files (pretty much all relevant) but you have to dive into each to get just a small snack of information. It looks as if the American College of Sports Medicine and American Medical Association emptied out their library files to start this web site.

Once in a while you might wonder how much your doctor knows about weight problems, obesity and how to lose weight, become fitter and healthier. The answer is contained within the weighty tome - nearly 300 pages - entitled
Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults.

This is not essential reading but it is worth a glance because it shows why
there has been slow progress in dealing with the obesity issue and why
Exercise is Medicine could be a fresh start.

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