Friday, December 14, 2007

Men's Health on eating at restaurants

I used to love Men's Health Magazine. There was a time in the '90's when I was still living in London, England but often traveling to the USA and Canada that there were some years I bought every issue of Men's Health in the UK and at least half of the USA editions for the same year. At that time the UK edition of Men's Health was much raunchier than the USA version. I finally got over Men's Health when the recipes and sex advice had more space than workouts !

Once in a while Men's Health gets serious - especially when it has a book to sell. This expose on restaurant food is useful. Most of my clients eat out at least half of the time - sometimes a lot more than that. So it is important that restaurants provide accurate information on what exactly you are eating.

Most people struggle with the idea that restaurants they like and use frequently might lie to them but unfortunately that is the reality. If you look at this Men's Health survey, most restaurants you are likely to use lie to you about the calories in your meal, how much fat is in there and probably anything else they care to screw with - bon appetite.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.

October 28, 2008 at 6:34 PM  

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