How to Look Muscular, Look Lean, Look Fit. It's called HYPERTROPHY

This video shows you what to do.
Why follow this plan?
- This is a 2 month plan and there are 2 months until school is out for the Summer and we are into swim suit season
- Workout 4 times every 6 days: Legs; Chest & Back; Arms and Shoulders; Whole Body. Hit the abs at every workout. Abs are key to looking great.
- Easy to remember workout. No need to take a book to the gym.
- Each workout has just 3 exercises. You do 10 sets of each exercise and try to get 10 reps on every set. Of course you usually will fall short and not make it to 10 reps on the later sets. That's OK. That's the way it is supposed to be.
- 3 different exercise and 10 sets of each means 30 sets in a workout - easy. No. You will sweat and probably curse a little because you are going to have to concentrate and tough out the last few sets.
- Do the 30 sets in 30 minutes. That's right 1 set every minute. So no time to socialize. Just concentrate on the end result.
- The weights used are not really heavy. Use a weight you can do 20 reps with but only do 10 reps each set. Remember there are 10 sets for every exercise!
- You are unlikely to get injured because weights used are not enormous.
- Nothing tricky with the weights. No increasing or decreasing weights at each set. Pick a weight for that exercise for that day and stick to it and let the sweat roll off you.
- The idea is to work alternate muscles, for example front of thighs (quads) and the back of thighs (hamstrings) or front of arms (biceps) and then back of arms (triceps). Each muscle has about 2 1/2 minutes to recover from one set before the muscle is working again. But you do 10 sets in total on each muscle so that each muscle gets sufficient stimulus to grow and grow big.
What do you need to know to get started ?
- Can you do a pull-up ? If the answer is no then you need a different program. Concentrate on getting stronger before trying out this program.
- Can you do reverse curls on an incline bench. Look at the video to see what I mean by a reverse curl. If the answer is no then once again this is not the workout program for you.
- For the 12 exercises used in the program what weight or resistance allows you to just get to 20 reps.
- Another way to go at this is to find out what is the maximum weight or resistance you can move then take 60% of that weight.
- Record all the weights on last 2 pages of workout plan.
What then ?
- For each exercise, perfection is getting all sets done and achieving 10 reps on every set. Most days you do not get to perfection but you try to get close to perfection.
- You really want to get out to set 6 or 7 and are still able to hit 10 reps a set. If you do not then the weight is too heavy. Next time ease back a few pounds. Do not change the weight during a workout.
- What if you are perfect on the day and all 10 sets for an exercise result in 10 reps? Time to move the weight up just a few pounds - not too much.
- Each workout you have just a few things to remember going to the gym: the 3 exercises for the day; weight for each.
- After each workout what do you need to write into your training record? Write in which sets you got to 10 reps. Write in the reps for the sets you did not get to 10 on. Write what you think the weight should be next time (less or more).
- Remember your start and finish time. This is to give you an incentive to really hustle and get through 30 sets in 30 minutes.
What else ?
- Eating is key to getting ripped and muscular - NOT and I repeat NOT by starving yourself.
- Ideally eat a mixture of protein, carbs and some fat 60 minutes before working out. A small cheese and tomato sandwich is just about ideal and very easy to prepare.
- If you are working out just after waking up then a glass of skim milk with a teaspoon of whey protein powder plus a couple of dried figs will get some protein into your body fast.
- Take
a post-workout drink to the gym with you. A glass of non-fat milk with a teaspoon of whey protein powder is fast to prepare and easy to transport. Drink it down the moment you finish working out. Before you shower!
- One to two hours later have a 'proper' meal - making sure it's high in protein.Tuna with green vegetables is a good combination. Easy to prepare and to take with you.
- Think about supplementing with creatine monohydrate every day (about 5 grams a day). Your decision on creatine.
Anything Else ?
Labels: HYPERTROPHY; getting muscular; getting lean; looking good;
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