Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Balance Exercises - practice to avoid falls

Balance and Flexibility are just as important parts of your health and fitness workouts as muscle strength development or cardio conditioning. This post is about Balance. I've included 2 videos. The first is with a client doing some simple but challenging balance exercises.

This video showed the client using a BOSU which is a nice versatile piece of equipment costing about $120. The BOSU can be used in many different ways. 

In this small video we just use it for balance exercises.

After my client finished her balance exercises she took control of the camera and had me balancing on a Foam Roller

Look at this short video and smile.

In another post I'll show a video of a Foam Roller being used for Myofascial Release but in this video it is just a round object which I find difficult to balance on. 
Hence a good challenge for your balance.



Blogger Donna Jay said...

Hey. Thanks for linking to our free myofascial release video for use with a great rehab/prehab tool -- the foam roller. Mark Coates is a very knowledgeable trainer, and it using this video will benefit your readers. Like this video, we have other free training and stretch videos that you can just go an watch any time, like a complete 30 minute cool down and a free triathlon-specific stretch. You don't have to buy anything. Just press play in the video player.

Thanks from mypypeline.com and happy stretching!

December 3, 2008 at 1:46 PM  

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