Monday, December 31, 2007

OnFitness Magazine

OnFitness is a magazine that I sometimes see lying around in the gym - usually old, well thumbed copies. Earlier this year I decided to stop being a cargo cultist i.e. hoping that good things would just magically land right in front of me and instead buy my own copy of OnFitness.

It turns out that the magazine is trying to survive by gaining readers through word of mouth rather than advertising. I've never seen it on a magazine rack at a bookstore. This is the tough way to build magazine circulation.

The magazine approach is "The natural approach to health & fitness."

I can't agree with everything in the magazine but it's always interesting, sometimes provocative and once in a while just plain aggravating. For instance the January/February 2008 edition arrived today in my mailbox and included an article about bra's causing breast cancer. My wife who has survived breast cancer said that she was not going to stop wearing a bra and added in the thought "What about corsets? Did they cause intestinal cancers ?"

This Jan/Feb 2008 issue has multiple articles around the theme of exercise intensity. All worth reading and absorbing.

If you happen to stumble upon a copy of the Jan/Feb 2008 magazine, start off by turning to page 68 to find the article " Weight Training for Seniors." I know that this is one of my favorite topics - us old people need to hang on to muscle for as long as possible - weight training is the best way to do this.

I'm not in any way paid or encouraged by OnFitness to write about them but they are a magazine I presently read avidly.

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Blogger Unknown said...

This isn't the first time that I've heard about bras and breast cancer. I believe it has something to do with circulation. (i.e. make sure your bra isn't too snug)

So... I mean, there is a method to their madness... they're not just making this stuff up. :oP

June 20, 2008 at 4:20 PM  

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