Headaches - to worry or not to worry

National Headache Week June 1 through 7 - can you believe we have a HEADACHE week !!
I worry about a lot of things but headaches are not front of brain for me but I have two clients for whom headaches and migraine are a big deal (make that very big deal). One has to stay home and forsake work because of migraines and the other finds looking after her children just about impossible difficult when the migraine strikes.
Learn more.
You have really bad headaches ( migraines) so what to do :
- Exercise might help.
- Eat regular meals and avoid foods (drinks) that trigger headaches. This is kind of obvious bit it leads onto knowing what triggers a headache attack.
- Keep a regular sleeping schedule. This is standard advice but difficult to follow. Monday through Friday my alarm goes off at 5.15am and I'm out of the house by 5.35am. I just cannot make myself get up at 5.15am on Saturday and Sunday. It's really good advice if you are strong enough willed to follow it.
- Reduce stress in your life. Great advice but there can be years when it's very, very hard.
- Headache diary. I got a headache when and what had happened before.
- Physical Therapy might help (nothing is guaranteed).
- Who to believe ?
- Find a good support group. Dealing with Headaches might be the support you need.
- Learn what to do.
- Omega-3 fish oil probably helps reduce frequency and severity of headaches.
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) might help but not yet proven. It will work for some but not everyone.
- The amino acid TYRAMINE might trigger migraines (but not every time). Many foods contain tyramine e.g. chocolate, nuts, fava beans, salami, chicken livers, olives - the list is very long - too long to be useful.
- Lot of care with what you eat.
One book to read ?
A Patient's Handbook on Headache and Migraine
One web site to avoid: headache.orgThis site is headache.org and the website name is for sale. It's just full of adverts.
Totally different to headaches.org (what a difference one 's' makes).
If all else fails try a Downward Dog.

You've got to laugh - try some headache humor.
Labels: headache; headaches; migraine; migraines; tyramine; exercise;