Tuesday, October 9, 2007

"Life's a bitch" is not a new thought but maybe appropriate here. 
After the last couple of day's posts on exercise and Type 2 diabetes you might be tempted to relax, think I know the prescription, I can get this under control. 

Then along comes this article:

Gina Kolata in the New York Times wrote this article a couple of months ago (August 20, 2007)   Looking Past Blood Sugar to Survive With Diabetes.

You have to look after cholesterol as well and blood presure. Don't just get fixated to getting blood sugar under control. 

Gina's article is part of a fun series :The Six Killers - great Halloween reading. 

To end on a cheery note "Yet, said Dr. David Nathan, director of the Diabetes Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, when you think about it, it s not the diabetes that kills you, it s the diabetes causing cardiovascular disease that kills you."


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